Saturday, 30 April 2011

Mandolin Wind...Day 6...Winslow to Gallup, NM...Fri 29/04/11

"...Well, I'm a standing on a corner in Winslow, Arizona...".
That's quite enough from The Eagles, thanks all the same.

Well, it's about 7am in Winslow and as you can see, they have Royal Wedding mania. Actually there is a bit of interest as all the news channels were giving it the full monty.
I was able to watch a fair bit of Diane Sawyer on ABC going into full BS-meltdown mode because the brains trust here thought that we lost an hour due to Mountain Saving Time or somesuch, and thus got up an hour before everyone else...we actually lose that hour tonight, so I'm down two on the deal. D'oh!

Right, back to the job in hand...133 miles to Gallup, NM. All I need to say is that I will never cycle a faster mileage again, such was the help from the strong Westerly winds. Still tiring all the same, but a joy really.

The other feature of our day cycling on the shoulder of the interstate was that between 21 riders we had 35 punctures. Not me thankfully, so that's all right then.
I was cycling with Sir Clive Woodward (Steve from Rickmansworth) when he had a flat...I think he's benefiting from my guidance on how to change the tube least I think I heard him say "...thank you!". A lot of traffic noise, you see.

Masters of understatement!

Our tour leader Mike (doing well for 83) demonstrating just *how* strong the winds were...

Sporting a dodgy bandana (essential wear) and a dodgy jersey off Ebay. Couture, 'innit?

As none of us have the same amount of hair that we once were blessed with, I did wonder if this could be the answer. Please, no non-PC scalping gags. Oh, too late...

Hiding behind Mike (doing well for 103) and Karen...these two are pootling along holding 30mph while I'm blowing out my arse trying to keep up and take a photo which if Mike (doing well for 133) ever sees, he will kick my afore-mentioned, hah-hah!

167 miles until we can have a day off. Oh yes.

Right on the Arizona/New Mexico border...

More couture.

Well, if you say so.

Finally to post-ride food: surely Denny's have gone just a wee bit too far this time? Even Homer J. would baulk at the idea, wouldn't he?

Ok, bed-time is with us once more: tomorrow is only another 135 miles to Albuquerque but also that fabled day off...praying for those lovely winds again.
By the way, as the hotel is on Indian land, it doesn't serve alcohol...rarely have I wanted a Corona more, hah-hah!

Stats Corner..Never see these numbers again.