Saturday, 21 May 2011

Rumble...Day 27...Wooster to Warren...Fri 20/05/11

It was a top suggestion by one of our number (take a bow Mark) to start 30 minutes later today as it was a relatively short stage at just under 100 miles.
Bless you Sir, and kudos for not banging on and on about it at every opportunity. Joking, of was a great idea.

Again we were routed through some beautiful countryside, although we experienced some of the shonkiest surfaces yet...

Pictures of Lily make me feel so wonderful...

Help to pilot our way out...

Sound advice.

You can see that Ohio doesn't waste tax dollars on the upkeep of their highways and byways. Some of the roughest roads you've ever felt...

Bit harsh on the kids, no?

Certainly the smoothest surface that we pedalled on today...four miles of bliss on a cycle-path.

The original Iron Man at a junk yard on the run in...

Worth a photo for ego-stroking: arriving fourth at our hotel. I should point out that the other fast guys had already arrived in Wooster quite a while and had stopped for milkshakes etc.. Still, fourth...

So this is what cleaning and lubricating a bike involves? And you do this more frequently than say, every other year? Who knew.
Don't worry- there's still some sand from Huntington Beach on there...

And after all that we adjourned to a nearby Italian restaurant (recommended by Mark...clearly he is on a roll) and indulged.
Let's see how 140 miles feels tomorrow. Bloody awful, I should imagine, hah-hah!

ps If you are reading this blog and haven't yet sponsored me then please do not wait until the end of the ride or until some other arbitrary date- please go here to help Macmillan Cancer Support,
or here to help Trinity Hospice. They need funds now. Thanks!

Stats...stats...stats...Lazy-ish numbers...conservation!