Once again I apologise for the late arrival of this BS...you can thank Blogger for extending their scheduled maintenance/downtime by oh, say 13 hours or so.
Anyway, your respite is now over...
We rolled back into more hills on our last morning in Missouri and we were warned that our legs would protest after the shoeing of the last two days, but strangely enough I felt ok and we was speeding along with UK Steve and Minnesota Mark, both funny and good company.
Which probably isn't how this poor fellow feels about the legal profession...
This could be roads near home. Except that we don't have great big yellow lines running down the centre. Do we?
We get the loveliest spots for our scheduled stops: this is/was the town of Baring. Nothing to see here...move along...
Strong Irish influence possibly? Hang on, he wasn't even a Paddy...
Despite that, it's only when you slow right down that you get a real feel of the tranquility in these parts: it is so quiet and peaceful.
Our first sighting of the Big Muddy from Canton, MO. We had a lunch-break and then caught the ferry across: the current was certainly strong enough...
A shower of lycra aboard the sloop Paul B..
The contented air of a man who knows that he only has to cycle another 25 miles or so...
The slightly less-contented and wheezing air of a man who is struggling to keep-up with these eejits, hah-hah!
I had to cane it to get out in front to take this...
L-R: Craig (Nevada), Bob (Ohio), Lasse (Norway), Mark (Minnesota), Lee (Virginia) and T.C. (Indiana).
We shadowed the river on the run into Quincy...
Another tenuous Stones' link. Sorry.
So now we're into Illinois where the terrain is reputed to be kinder...our legs are hoping so...
Your daily stats...Is my mojo back?